My personal website


I enjoy working on both the server side and the client side.
The beauty of Node.js is that it allows you to move between the two sides pretty easily.

I spend most of my time on the back end building and consuming RESTful APIs.
I spend most of my time first working on these two products which do most of the work.

There is an excellent of example of Node.js streaming inside clarinet that allows you to do many different things with the Twitter search API. This API is magnificent because it allows you to very quickly find people and companies that are relevant to the types of information that I want to index.

Once the APIs have been consumed then they are stored and indexed in both Mongo and Redis. I use Redis to quickly build indices of the data I am interested in searching across.

On the front end I am biased towards Backbone and Bootstrap. Most of the work I do with Backbone enables me to quickly mesh my back end schemas with my front end data structures. Most of the time these data structures and events are consumed by D3.

D3 is very cool and I have been programming in it for quite some time.
In fact, D3 used to be called Protovis and that is where I started with building Javascript visualization frameworks.

I look forward to a conversation with you to see if there are interesting ideas that we can work on together.